Together we will learn and grow while having a blast. We are going through the adventure that is middle age–together we will face the challenges and revel in the celebrations.

Meet Me
I am Jenny. I grew up in the 80’s loving to dance, listening to Journey, (Steve Perry was my crush) and cruising with my friends in my cream-colored Firebird. My love of fun was only eclipsed by the size of my hair. Except for that summer when I used Summer Blonde (bleach) and it turned blonde, then white, then green, then fell out.
I have been planning this group for many years, even though I wasn’t sure what it would look like. In the past decade, three life changing events happened. The first was the loss of my Dad to cancer. He was my unwavering support and biggest cheerleader.
Then came a devastating divorce after 19 years of marriage. The third was the discovery that my mother had dementia and, after months of misdiagnosis and hospital stays, she needed to be moved to assisted living. As I worked my way through these major life changes, I realized something important, that I had come out on the other side happier than I have ever been. Yes, I am 50 and happier than I have ever been!

How did I do it?
I surrounded myself with an incredible group of people. I read everything I could get my hands on, watched every video clip, read a million blog posts. I meditated, journaled, went to counseling, traveled, attended classes and conferences.
I also took my health seriously for the first time in my life. Addressing my thyroid condition and autoimmune disease… with the help of my doctor, discovered a genetic disorder and got help. Medications, diet and exercise, not an original answer, but a true one. I found a way to add these positive habits to my life—one month at a time. I broke it down and made it work for me.
And then I thought, what if I could help others through their similar Journey?
I started talking with the amazing women all around me, and it hit me. We are all experiencing similar challenges. I want to share information that helps you design your happiest life. I want to offer opportunities for you to meet other amazing friends both online and in person.
Let’s share and grow together.